College Catalog

Student Services

Campus Health and Safety

ǧĹAV is committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, and positive work and learning environment. Toward that end, in a good faith effort to ensure the safety and welfare of all the campus community, the college has adopted codes, statements, and policies that are detailed in the college’s Catalog and the Policy and Procedures Manual, as well as being posted online at www.sandhills.edu.


Campus Health and Safety Awareness Activities

Guest speakers, hosted by Student Services, provide workshops on such topics as alcohol/substance abuse, campus security, crime and crime prevention, stress management, financial awareness and credit management, and safety issues. Referrals are made, as needed, to local agencies such as hospitals, mental health centers, social services, Friend-to-Friend, private counselors, and self-help groups. Literature on many health and safety issues is provided in the Dempsey Student Center and in the Counseling Center in Stone Hall. Every other year, the Safety and Environmental Committee hosts a health fair for faculty, staff, students, and community.


Communicable Disease 

Any individual who knows or has a reasonable basis for believing that they are infected with a communicable disease (including but not limited to chickenpox, hepatitis, measles, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome [AIDS], meningitis, mononucleosis, and whooping cough) has an obligation to protect himself or herself and others from the ramifications of the disease.  Specifically, such individuals should report this information to the appropriate person (see below). Every effort will be made to try to keep the matter confidential. Only persons with a need to know will be informed and only with prior direct knowledge of the individual who is or believes they may be infected.

Curriculum students should report a communicable disease condition to the Vice President of Student Services. Continuing Education students should report such conditions to the Vice President for Continuing Education and Workforce Development. The Director of Moore County Health Department will be immediately notified.  At the Hoke Center, communicable disease conditions should be reported to the Associate Vice President of the Hoke Center who will then report them to the Vice President of Student Services and to the Hoke County Health Department.

The appropriate Vice President will take necessary steps to ensure the medical safety of the student and the college community; if deemed necessary for the good of all, the student may be asked to remove himself or herself from the campus until a necessary evaluation of the condition is completed and the President of the College issues a final ruling concerning the enrollment status of the student.

This policy is one part of the College’s on-going attempt to promote awareness, education, and counseling on communicable diseases. More information is available in the “Compliance” section of this Catalog.


Student Accident Insurance

Each year, the Student Government Association (SGA) purchases a student accident insurance plan, an excess policy that may cover medical expenses of students caused by accidental bodily injury during college-related academic and social activities. The provisions governing this policy are contained in the master policy issued to the school and may be viewed during the school’s office hours. A brief description of the policy, which varies from year to year, will be available through the Office of Student Services at the beginning of each academic year. Students may obtain a brochure or file a claim with the Administrative Assistant to the Executive Vice President in Stone Hall, 105A, 695-3702.


Counseling and Career Services

Personal Counseling

At ǧĹAV, your personal wellness is important.  Licensed clinical mental health counselors are on campus and are available to assist all enrolled students with issues that may affect wellbeing.  Our counselors provide a safe and confidential counseling space.  Counseling sessions are scheduled by appointment and may last up to forty-five (45) minutes.  Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment on the counseling services webpage.

ǧĹAV does not charge students a fee for counseling sessions. For students who choose to seek professional counseling services from off-campus providers, our counselors can assist with appropriate referrals. Counselors are located in the Counseling Center on the Pinehurst campus in 229 Stone Hall and 100 Blue Hall (inside the Career Center). At the Hoke Center, the Counseling Center is located in 112 Johnson Hall.

High School students who are on campus for classes will be served by their assigned school counselor. If a crisis occurs, our counselors will assist and then follow up with the counseling department at the student’s high school. For all other students under the age of 18 on campus, North Carolina law requires the consent of a parent or legal guardian in order to receive mental health services.

Exceptions include:

  1. The student is married.
  2. The student serves in the armed forces.
  3. The student is legally emancipated.


Career Development

The Career Development professionals provide services that prepare college graduates for a successful transition into the workforce.  Our staff provides training to ensure competency in the following areas: oral/written communication skills, professionalism/work ethic, resume writing, interviewing skills and career management.  The Career Resource Library provides career-related materials to assist students in further developing their career competencies


Career Services

Student career services are available for current, alumni, and prospective students.  The services offered are career assessments, job searching strategies, career counseling, student engagement (career meetups/roundtable), career workshops, business referrals, networking, and a shared online job search link, www.collegecentral.com/sandhills/student.cfm.  Our job link provides access to current job market information.  Guidance related to student employment is available in Blue Hall, room 103.


Job Fairs

The SCC Career Center hosts two job fairs each year on campus, Fall and Spring semesters.  Job Fairs provide an opportunity for a variety of employers to visit campus to provide networking and job considerations with our students.  The Director of Career Development Services develops relationships with both local and regional employers to develop job opportunities for ǧĹAV students.


Guarantee to Employers

ǧĹAV guarantees that its graduates are proficient in the knowledge and skills covered by their educational programs. In the event that an employer finds a ǧĹAV graduate deficient in such an area, the employer should — within 90 days of the graduate’s employment — contact the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs. The Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs will arrange to re-enroll the graduate in up to three (3) courses at the College at no charge to the graduate or the employer. This guarantee applies to graduates of two-year associate in applied science degree programs and one-year diploma programs.


Student Involvement in the Institution

Student Government Association (SGA)

Many student activities at ǧĹAV are sponsored by the Student Government Association (SGA). Efforts are made to provide students with cultural, social, recreational, and service-oriented activities. Activities sponsored by the SGA include free food days, national days, the annual Fall Fest and Spring Fling, holiday festivities, coffee and doughnuts during exams, and a variety of other events.

The SGA is always looking for new ideas and new Senators. To become a Senator, students must complete a simple online application via an Outlook form, maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, contribute at least four hours per week to SGA activities, and possess high motivation. Every student on campus is a member of the SGA, and the SGA acts as the students’ voice at SCC. Not only does the SGA sponsor fun events and activities, but it also presents student comments and concerns to the administration and the Board of Trustees. In fact, the SGA President is a trustee of the College.

The SGA office is located upstairs in the Dempsey Student Center, inside the Ewing Leadership Wing.


Student’s Role in Institutional Decision-Making

By statutory requirement, the President of the Student Government Association serves ex officio on the Board of Trustees, the governing body of the College. Students are appointed to the following standing committees: Safety and Environmental, Scholarships, and Student Grievance Committee. In these committees, students have opportunities to study and comment on proposed policies and procedures and to rule on appeals related to student disciplinary cases.

Most significantly, the Student Government Association gives students experience in representative government. Officers are elected by the student body. Students interested in serving in the SGA can get information directly from the ǧĹAV website or the Director of Student Life located in the Dempsey Student Center.


Student Publications

The Student Government Association produces an in-house, weekly bulletin written by and designed for students.

This bulletin, published weekly, and sent via SCC student email accounts, is overseen by the SGA Public Information Officer and the Director of Student Life, with content by members of the SGA, the student body and SCC Faculty/Staff. While it is an informal publication, this bulletin, like all student publications, is expected to observe the guidelines for student publications.


Student Publications Guidelines 

Student publications guidelines at ǧĹAV are expected to represent the student body at its best. The content of such publications must be in concert with the college Student Code of Conduct. Specifically, all contributors to such publications are bound by the elements of this code:

  • Writing that communicates a true threat to an individual or group is prohibited.
  • Writing that communicates harassment that rises to the level of severe or pervasive is prohibited.
  • Writing that involves libelous charges is prohibited.
  • Writing that makes use of obscene language and/or expletives is prohibited.                    

Because this is an educational institution, writing that appears in student created publications is expected to be clear, correct, and well-reasoned.  Documents should be well-designed and inviting to the reader.

All materials for student publications must be approved prior to publication by the Director of Student Life. Any disputes about content may be taken to the Vice President of Student Services for resolution in concert with the Director of Student Life, the SGA President, and the student-writer. There is an inherent right to appeal. The appeal shall be in accordance with the Student Grievance Procedure.


Photo and Video Use

ǧĹAV does not collect photo/video release forms. Instead, the College assumes that faculty, staff, students and those visiting our campus are the best resources for marketing the College and are willing to participate in college promotions.

All photographic/video images become the property of ǧĹAV. Marketing and Public Relations staff members will add the photos or video footage to the College’s library of images (maintained by Marketing & Public Relations), which becomes a resource for the College’s online and print publications. These images and videos may be used for years after obtaining. The College reserves the right to release images for use by outside agencies for publication by news outlets, magazines, and digital outlets as the College sees fit.

In addition to print use, images may be posted to the college’s social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others).

Still or video photo shoots may be informal (candid photos of campus scenes, athletic events, performances, events, or activities) or formal (planned visits to classrooms, headshots or photo/video shoots on campus).

Students participating in a formal photo shoot (flightPath magazine, billboards, viewbooks, etc.) are giving their permission for their image to be used. Students may opt out of a photo. If a student does not wish to be photographed but fails to identify himself or herself to the photographer, it will be difficult to exclude that person from the resulting images.

Concerns about the uses of individual images may be communicated to the Marketing & Public Relations Department, which will try to resolve individual complaints while still meeting the institutional goals of visually representing the College. Expense is sometimes a consideration in the ability to change a photograph; usually an inventory of printed publications must be exhausted before the change can be implemented.


Supervisory Role of the Institution over Student Activities

While ǧĹAV takes very seriously its commitment to creating an atmosphere that encourages maximum student self-governance and a range of stimulating activities, the College is also mindful of its responsibility to oversee student life in a responsible and proactive fashion. The supervision of student activities is a function of the Division of Student Services. The Vice President of Student Services charges the Director of Student Life to direct student activities and serve as advisor to the Student Government Association (SGA). The Advisor attends all SGA meetings and sponsored activities and serves as a liaison between the SGA and the Vice President of Student Services. A description of the supervisory role of the SGA Advisor over the SGA and student activities is found in the Student Government Association Constitution and Bylaws.

The SGA is the official sanctioning body for all campus clubs and organizations. The SGA Constitution and Bylaws notifies students of their responsibility in initiating and participating in a student club or organization, which must be recognized as such in order to be permitted to use college facilities. Each club or organization has a full-time faculty or staff member who serves as advisor and meets regularly with the group. Additional information may be found in the Student Club and Advisor Handbook which may be obtained through the Director of Student Life.

Student activities at ǧĹAV are evaluated regularly through student surveys and student participation data. Results provide insight into student needs, interests, satisfaction, and level of participation. These insights are used in determining and planning appropriate student activities.


Student Fundraisers

All student fundraiser events must be approved by the Director of Student Life prior to the event. Proper scheduling will help prevent the possibility of two events occurring on the same day. Activities on campus, including requests for donations or funds, must be submitted in writing using the Fundraising Request Form via Outlook Forms. Before approval is given for soliciting prizes, funds, or donations from the public, the Director of Student Life will consult the ǧĹAV Community College Foundation Office to ensure the activity relates directly to the purpose of the College and does not conflict with other fundraising activities or plans (More information is available under “Fundraising Procedure” in the Club Handbook.)


Student Life

There is something special for everyone at SCC. ǧĹAV sponsors a wide variety of organizations and clubs designed to enhance the educational opportunities available to our students. If you do not see a club that interests you and would like to know more about starting a new club on campus, contact our Director of Student Life at 910-695-3858.


ACES (The Architecture, Construction, Engineering and Surveying Club)

The Architecture, Construction, Engineering and Surveying Club, otherwise known as the ACES Club, extends learning opportunities about these and other related fields outside of the classroom. Each year, the ACES members participate in the Experience Industry Project, through which students explore exciting projects and sites related to their industries. Students have toured the Washington Nationals Baseball Stadium construction, the Freedom Tower construction, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, the Skyscraper Museum, the Hoover Dam, the Chunnel, the Big Dig, as well as many other interesting sites.


Alliance for Black Culture (ABC)

The Alliance for Black Culture (ABC) promotes global diversity, equity and inclusion starting with our community. All races are cordially invited to join this organization. We strive to service our community, learn about Black history and culture, and increase success of Black graduate at ǧĹAV.


Astronomy Club

The Astronomy Club encourages students to investigate astronomy and astrology related topics outside of a purely academic context. Any currently enrolled student may join.



ǧĹAV Athletics works to support the mission and purpose of ǧĹAV Community College. As a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), SCC athletics provide opportunities for development and competition that support the educational goals of the College. Athletics were founded to serve the individual student as well as to enrich the college environment for all students, faculty, and staff. The Athletics Department works with students to promote leadership and involvement within our community through public service outreach. The Flyers have won NJCAA regional and district titles in volleyball, men’s basketball, men’s and women’s cross country/track and field, and men’s and women’s golf. The Flyers have won national titles in men’s basketball and men’s golf. While many of our athletes will likely continue competing at a four-year college or university, it is our purpose to inspire all student athletes to better themselves academically, socially, and physically.


Chess Club

  • TBA

The SCC Chess Club provides an opportunity for students to socialize, learn, and grow through playing chess. Alongside regular meetings, the Chess Club also hosts opportunities for students to teach the game of chess to their fellow peers and holds chess tournaments (for charity). Our main objectives are to teach, learn, and to play chess – and to help people out along the way.


Circle K Club

The SCC chapter of Circle K International will be a prominent, inclusive, and impactful student-led organization helping to improve the quality of life for the people in the ǧĹAV and SCC students through service, leadership, and fellowship.


Computer Technology Club

The Computer Technology Club gives students the opportunity to meet others with similar interests in computer technology. The club facilitates communication, discussion and dispersion of information relating to computer applications, services and technologies. The club includes students from all areas of computer instruction offered on the campus including, but not limited to, computer programming, computer engineering, digital media, networking, and simulation and game development. Club members are encouraged, through outreach programs, to give back to the SCC campus community and the ǧĹAV community at large. Above all else this club is open to all who WANT to know more.…


Creative Writing Club

The Creative Writing Club is all about writing creatively. Writing is one of those niche interests that only a small percentage of people take part in. As such, finding like-minded individuals who share a literary passion can be a challenge. The Creative Writing Club makes that challenge negligible. All that a literature-loving student will have to do to get involved with other writers is join up! Members of the club will be given the opportunity to share their work with others, and, naturally, have others' work shared with themselves. Peer reviews have been instrumental in my come-up as a writer, and it goes both ways. When my work is analyzed, I get to see what I did right and what I did wrong: perfect information for improvement. When analyzing another's work, I get to see what they did right and what they did wrong: perfect information for improvement.



CRU is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. The purpose of CRU is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others and helping the body of Christ to do evangelism and discipleship through a variety of creative ways.


C-Step Club

Students that are accepted into the UNC-CH Student Transfer Excellence Program (C-STEP) at ǧĹAV are eligible to be members of this organization. The club will educate student interested in applying to the program, provide support to students currently in C-STEP, and participate in campus and community events to provide leadership opportunities for members.


Fellowship of Christian Athletes

FCA is a Christian community that is led by those who serve FCA’s mission as its representatives, including all of FCA’s directors, officers, employees and volunteer leaders, each of whom is an integral part of the community (and are described in this Manual as “FCA representatives”). Both of FCA’s mission and the association of FCA’s representatives are an exercise and an expression of FCA’s Christian beliefs. The mission of the ǧĹAV Community College Fellowship of Christian Athletes is “to present to athletes and coaches, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.”


Flying Club

The purpose of the club is to provide SCC students access to a growing industry and bridge the gap between the establishes Ground Training Aviation Program at SCC and Flight Training opportunities. The club will educate students on how to take their ground training learned at SCC to the skies and connect them with local Flight Training facilities.


GST*A (Gay, Straight, Transgender Alliance)

GST*A is a support group for the LGBT community and allies. The club offers a unique setting in which students, faculty, and staff at SCC can share their true identities. We offer support through weekly meetings as well as scheduled activities throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. GST*A participates in many of the events held on campus to ensure that SCC maintains a friendly and helpful space for all people attending the college as well as people residing in the community. GST*A also supports numerous campus events as well as promoting awareness and education that pertain to LGBT issues.


Horticulture Club

One of the oldest and most renowned organizations on the SCC campus is the ǧĹAV Horticulture Club. The club’s primary purpose is to provide a vehicle to support outside activities and competitions in which the Landscape Gardening students participate. The club hosts special events such as bedding plant sales and other creative projects to support student trips, competitions, and student career days.



Interested in starting a club sport? Club sports that have been popular in the past include soccer, tennis, and sand volleyball. ǧĹAV club sports are student led meaning students assume the role of captain or co-captain and assist with the recruitment of other students to play. Students of all levels/abilities are encouraged to start a sport and/or participate.


Latin X

Latin X is a club dedicated to raising awareness about the Latin X and Hispanic culture by providing resources for our campus community. Club participants do not need to identify as Latino/a/x in order to join as we aim to actively participate in the expression and inclusion of diversity among campus. The club welcomes anyone and everyone! Our objective is to educate the student body on traditions and cultures they may not be familiar with, along with raising awareness and celebration for marginalized groups on campus.


Music Production Club

The Music Producation Club is here to give students the opportunity to create music using music software as well as various kinds of instruments. We would also love to teach students how to make music. Any currently enrolled student mat join.


Phi Theta Kappa – Alpha Tau Beta

Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society for two-year colleges. Membership is available to students by invitation only and requires a 3.7 GPA based on 16+ hours of college credit courses (100 level or higher) in a degree-granting program. Invitees who choose to join are inducted in the spring or fall semesters. The hallmarks of Phi Theta Kappa are scholarship, leadership, fellowship, and service. Kappans serve as hosts for the college lecture series, as marshals at graduation, and as assistants with on campus activities.


Pre-Health Club

The Pre-Health Club plans on hosting guest speakers that specialize in different areas of the healthcare field once a month. As of now, the planned speakers include a medical doctor, a nurse practitioner, a radiologist and the Director of Health Programs at SCC. Any currently enrolled student may join.


Radiography Club

The Radiography Technology Club includes students that are enrolled in SCC’s Radiography Program. Club members are encouraged to give back to the community through school and community sponsored events. Club members also host fundraisers to support workshops and attendance at State Radiography conferences, where students are encouraged to network, build relationships with peers, reach for higher professional goals, and support patient safety initiatives. This club provides opportunities for students to get involved in school, community, and professional initiatives to give back and raise standards affecting our healthcare profession. Students host fundraising events to provide funding for NCSRT conference and ARRT Registry preparation.


ǧĹAV Association of Nursing Students

The ǧĹAV Association of Nursing Students (SANS) seeks to introduce participants to the nursing profession through their professional organization and to provide a setting for professional socialization. Active membership is available to all ADN (Associate Degree Nursing) students. SANS also promotes and encourages participation in community affairs and activities related to improving healthcare. SANS provides opportunities for state and national networking with their professional organization. Fundraisers, service projects, social events, educational programs, and mentoring and recruitment opportunities are all part of the experience available to SANS members.


Socio-Civic Club

The Socio-Civic Club provides students with the oportunity to engage in conversations regarding worldwide and local issues using reliable information from credible sources. We invite all students to attend. Any currently enrolled student may join.


Student Government Association

The student activities program at SCC is sponsored by the Student Government Association. Members of the SGA make a concerted effort to provide students with cultural, social, recreational, and service-oriented experiences. Activities sponsored by the SGA include free food days, national days, the annual Fall Fest and Spring Fling, holiday festivities, exam fuel during exams, student accident insurance, and scholarships and awards. The SGA is always looking for new ideas and is the students’ voice at SCC.


Students for Life

Members of ǧĹAV Students for Life work to save lives threatened by induced abortion, euthanasia, and the destruction of human embryos for research. In furtherance of these goals, members seek to promote respect for life at ǧĹAV and on a local, state, and national level, to educate on life issues, to help those in need so that life is a promising choice, and to work with others who share common goals.


Tennis Club

The ǧĹAV Tennis Club provides an inclusive environment where students can feel welcome while enjoying the game of Tennis. College life can at times seem overwhelming and every now and then college students may feel the need to have a break from their typical school day. The tennis club is open to all students regardless of experience in playing tennis.