5.8.3 Probationary Status

Created: October 1, 2015; October 1, 2016

During the fiscal year, a Vice President or Chief Operating Officer—after careful consultation with the appropriate Supervisor or Dean—may find it necessary to address serious concerns related to faculty or staff performance and may choose to recommend probationary status. This may occur during the regular Evaluation Process or at any time when a faculty or staff member has, after documented concerns, failed to meet expectations. 

In those instances, the Dean, Vice President, or Chief Operating Officer will consult with the President, who will then determine the necessity of probationary status and meet with the faculty or staff member to inform the impacted employee of that status. Required strategies for improvement and repercussions for non-compliance to those requirements will be detailed in a Letter of Counsel or Written Warning Memorandum, as detailed in procedure 5.4.5 – Dismissal. 

A Performance Improvement Plan may be required as an action item. The interactive process shall be engaged between the supervisor and the employee. 

  • A Performance Improvement Plan shall be in writing and will outline specific steps, objectives, and/or goals to be accomplished for improving problems or behaviors with a given amount of time, usually 30 to 90 days.
  • The final copy will be agreed upon and signed by both the employee and supervisor.
  • A copy of the Performance Improvement Plan will be sent to Human Resources and included with the copies of any forms and documentation submitted and placed in their personnel file.

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