5.8.1 Administration and Staff Evaluation

Revised: October 1, 2014; October 1, 2018; October 3, 2022 

Evaluation Philosophy  

ǧÃŬAV promotes the development of its employees to enable them to be effective and efficient in their areas of responsibility. Evaluation, then, is an on-going process dedicated to the improvement of instruction and services and the continuing growth of the employee as a professional. The evaluation shall ensure fairness and equity of performance appraisal through mutual trust and open communication. Implicit in evaluation is the idea that expectations and goals are clearly defined, written, and discussed by the individual and the supervisor. The ultimate value of evaluation is the improvement of the individual and of the institution.   

Senior Administration Evaluation Procedures  

The President conducts annual Fall evaluation of senior administration in one-on-one sessions. From these evaluations, he/she determines what specialized focused training can best address leadership shortfalls and directs an effort to provide training in a senior staff retreat designed to provide a more effective, cohesive leadership team for the college. Mid-level administrators are evaluated in the normal staff protocol.   

Staff Evaluation Procedures  

Performance evaluation is an on-going process, but a formal evaluation conference between an employee and supervisor must occur annually. In addition, any evaluation related to an employee for whom there are special performance concerns that might preclude continued employment in the approaching fiscal year MUST be completed prior to January 15th each year and the Supervisor will notify the President by that date. The supervisor is responsible for scheduling the annual conference and for initiating dialog and evaluation that will result in identifying strengths, expectations, and, if necessary, improvements to maximize the employee’s contribution to the College. In instances of serious performance concerns, the President will conduct a special meeting with that employee and may impose a probationary status for that employee (see 5.8.3 below).   

Evaluations of staff members may consist of the following:  

  • A review of the employee’s job description and their success in performing the duties described therein,  
  • A review of the employee’s contribution to their department’s success in meeting assigned unit assessments,  
  • A review of scores on student and faculty/staff surveys,  
  • An Employee Self-Evaluation  
  • An assessment of the employee using the online Faculty/Staff Performance Evaluation.  

Schedule of the Staff Evaluation Process  

  • September 1st – September 30th – online Employee Self Evaluation will be made available to employees. Employees will evaluate their performance based on the previous academic year. Supervisors will then schedule evaluation conferences before the end of October. However, for employees who have failed to meet College expectations related to their employment as defined in the job description and as aligned with the Core Values of the College, the Supervisor will inform the President in writing by January 15th as to the intent to impose a probationary status on that employee or to not offer a contract for the subsequent fiscal year.   
  • October 1st – November 30th – Supervisors will conduct annual formal evaluations for all full-time and part-time staff. Supervisors will evaluate their employee’s performance based on the previous academic year. For employees who will be placed on probationary status or who will not be offered a contract for the subsequent academic year, the Supervisor will conduct that formal evaluation before December 15th and inform the President in writing of that decision by January 15th. For other staff, the Staff Performance Evaluation will be approved by the employee, their supervisor, the dean/director, and the appropriate Vice President or Chief Operating Officer. Approving the Staff Performance Evaluation does not mean the employee agrees with the supervisor’s comments or ratings. Approving the evaluation does mean that both parties have met and discussed the evaluation. The employee will have access to the evaluation through the online evaluation dashboard.   
  • December 31st —The online Staff Performance along with documentation related to probationary status and follow-ups will be completed online by December 31st of each year. Performance documentation will be housed in the online system. The requirement for a formal annual evaluation conference should be regarded as a minimum. More frequent constructive dialogue between employee and supervisor is encouraged to promote continuous improvement in job performance. The supervisor or the employee may request a follow-up formal evaluation conference as the need arises.  

Evaluation Documents Available for Use by Supervisors  

The following forms are available in the online evaluation system:  

  • Staff Performance Evaluation  
  • Supervisor Feedback Assessment [may be completed prior to an employee’s evaluation at the request of the employee’s immediate supervisor or by the appropriate Vice President, division Dean, or Chief Operating Officer] 

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