5.4.1 Appointment

Revised: October 1, 2014; July 1, 2015; October 1, 2016; October 1, 2017; October 1, 2022; March 25, 2024 



    1. The Board authorizes the President to hire all full-time College employees. The President shall inform the Board at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting of any new hires made since the last Board meeting.   
    2. All newly hired full-time employees shall receive a letter of appointment stating that the employee shall serve a probationary period of at-will employment lasting one (1) academic year.  After the probationary period, full-time employees may be eligible for annual employment contracts for at least nine (9) and no more than twelve (12) months dependent on the employee’s duties.  If an employee is hired after the academic semester has already begun and the employee’s one-year probationary period ends during the subsequent academic year, the term of the employee’s initial employment contract, if offered, shall only be for the remainder of that subsequent academic year.  Nothing in this Policy or in the employee’s letter of appointment shall entitle the employee to an employment contract or contract renewal.

The President is authorized to dismiss any full-time employee during that employee’s probationary period for any reason deemed sufficient except for reasons related to the employee's race, religion, color, national origin, sex, gender, age, disability, genetic information, political affiliation, status as a covered veteran or if the decision is otherwise a violation of state or federal law (“Impermissible Grounds”).  The President’s decision is final and not subject to Board appeal unless the employee believes his/her dismissal was solely based on Impermissible Grounds.  If the employee believes the President’s decision was solely based on Impermissible Grounds, the employee may appeal pursuant to Policy 5.18 Faculty and Staff Grievance. 


II.    PART-TIME AND TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES                                                                                              

    1. The Board authorizes the President or the President’s designee to hire all part-time and temporary employees.  The President shall inform the Board at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting of any new hires made since the last Board meeting.  
    2. All part-time and temporary College employees shall receive a letter of appointment and shall serve as at-will employees.  Nothing in this Policy or in the employee’s letter of appointment shall entitle the employee to an employment contract.  
    3. The President is authorized to dismiss any part-time or temporary employee for any reason deemed sufficient except for Impermissible Grounds.  The President’s decision is final and not subject to Board appeal unless the employee believes his/her dismissal was solely based on Impermissible Grounds.  If the employee believes the President’s decision was solely based on Impermissible Grounds, the employee may appeal pursuant to Policy 5.18 Faculty and Staff Grievance. 



    1. The quality of the College’s programs and services are dependent on the skills, commitment and enthusiasm of all of its employees.  The Board seeks to employ the best qualified personnel available.  In return, the Board expects its employees to accept and support the College’s mission and vision.  Specifically, all employees are expected to know the College’s policies and procedures, devote their professional services and individual skills to the realization of the College’s objectives and to discharge their duties in such a manner as to reflect positively upon the College. 
    2. No applicant will be considered for any employment position who does not complete and submit a College employment application form.  
    3. Employment Preference will be given to eligible veterans, their spouses or surviving spouses and surviving dependents as defined by N.C.G.S. § 128-15 (“Veteran’s Employment Preference”).  This preference applies to initial employment, subsequent hiring, promotions, reassignments and horizontal transfers when two or more candidates are equally qualified for the position.  To claim Veteran’s Employment Preference, all eligible veterans shall submit a Department of Defense Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) along with a College application for employment.  To claim Veteran’s Employment Preference, eligible veterans must meet the minimum training and experience requirements for the position and must be capable of performing the duties assigned to the position.  
    4. All employed instructional personnel shall meet the criteria of the ǧĹAV approved Regional Accrediting Organization.

Legal Reference:  G.S. 115D-20; G.S.128-15; 1D SBCCC 400.4; 1C SBCCC 200.94

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