5.14.9 Administrative Leave

Revised: October 1, 2018

I. Voluntary Administrative Leave

In situations in which the provision of leave is appropriate but not covered by existing leave provisions, the President may grant an employee(s) administrative leave.

II. Involuntary Leave

Administrative leave may be required of an employee by the President at times deemed necessary for the successful operation of the college, including but not limited to:

A. Emergency situations

B. Pending the results of a college investigation, a dismissal decision, and/or a non-reappointment in accordance with policy 5.4 – Appointment, Separation, Discipline, and Re-employment.

An employee placed on administrative leave pending the results of a college investigation or the final decision of a dismissal recommendation shall be paid during the administrative leave, and all benefits shall remain in effect.  In some instances, the President may decided that an employee’s administrative leave will be unpaid.

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