5.12.1 Secondary Employment Approval

Revised: August 6, 2007; October 1, 2017

While the College encourages participation in appropriate outside activities, ǧĹAV Community College employees are expected to render full-time service to the College and to avoid outside activities which might cause divided loyalties and diminished commitment of time and effort. Employees engaging in secondary employment should avoid activities that create the appearance of impropriety or activities that constitute a conflict of interest.

Since dual employment of an employee of the College frequently creates conflicts of interest or other serious detriment to the institution, the Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the President, in any instance of questionable dual employment being practiced by an employee of the institution, to give notice of inquiry and hearing to such employee, and to conduct such hearing before the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall determine as a fact whether such secondary employment creates a conflict of interest or other serious detriment affecting the institution and, upon a finding of such conflict of interest or other serious detriment affecting the institution, to order such employee to cease and desist from such secondary employment or, in lieu thereof, to tender to the President within 10 days a letter of resignation, such resignation to become effective within 20 days after the date of said letter or at a date mutually agreed upon by the President and the employee. Refusal of the employee to respond to the President and/or Trustees’ order either by ceasing and desisting from the secondary employment or, in lieu thereof, submitting a letter of resignation within the time limited, shall be deemed sufficient cause for dismissal upon recommendation of the President to the Board of Trustees.

Employees contemplating secondary employment for work done outside their regular annual contract either with the college or outside the college, will notify their immediate Dean or supervisor of the nature of the employment by completing the “Notice of Intent to Engage in Secondary Employment” form or the located in the forms section of the intranet. The form will be forwarded to the President, or appropriate Vice President or Chief Operating Officer, for review and approval.