4.8.1 Formation and Student Agency Accounts

Revised: August 6, 2007; October 1, 2016

Campus Clubs
All clubs must have the approval of the Dean of Student Services and the Student Government Association before being established.   All collections of funds for the club must be deposited with the Business OfficeStudents should contact the Director of Student Life to create a club on campus. Approval from the Director of Student Life, Dean of Student Services, and the Student Government Association, and a copy of the club’s constitution indicating the club’s advisor, the club’s officers, and any necessary contact information, is required to be given to the Business Office before a club account can be opened.

Student Agency Accounts
ǧÃŬAV maintains agency accounts for the benefit of student clubs, government associations, and scholarships.

The Student Government Association’s monetary transactions are accounted for in an auxiliary account and are treated like a business-type activity for financial statement purposes.

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