4.10.2 Online Student Privacy Notification

Created: January 1, 2019
Revised: October 1, 2022  

  • In addition to notification to all students upon admission of privacy protections afforded under FERPA (Policy 4.10.), the college takes these steps to inform distance learning students of specific efforts in the online environment. The following privacy protection statement appears in the introductory module in each course: 
  • The distance learning student at SCC is provided student privacy protection afforded all students under FERPA and the civil learning environment protection outlined in the Catalog under “Code of Conduct” which preserves the student’s rights to civil exchange of ideas in class. 
  • The distance learning student is also protected under the Civility policy (5.22.), which addresses the respectful exchange of communication, respect for diversity, and a zero-tolerance policy on cyber activities of a negative, hurtful, or harmful nature. 
  • In addition, the learning management system provides a password-protected entry portal to ensure that the student enrolled in the course is the student who enters the online classroom. The system uses typing biometric and facial recognition technology to validate a student’s identity.   
  • The grading management system provided in the learning management system allows only the individual student and the instructor to view posted grades related to completed and graded coursework. • Distance learning students are provided a safe learning environment that adheres to FERPA guidelines and the Social Media policy (9.5.). which limits connection to only social media that is vetted for content, accessibility, security, and civility elements. 

In these ways, SCC protects the privacy of the distance learning student.

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