2.4 Ethics and Undue Influence

Board of Trustee Approval: August 6, 2007

Revised: October 1, 2012; October 1, 2016

Trustees, the College President, and other senior administrators and employees, so designated by law, shall adhere to the North Carolina State Government Ethics Act (NCGS138A). Such adherence is intended to ensure that the exercise of their authority is honest and fair; free from impropriety, threats, favoritism, and undue influence; and follows standards of ethical conduct and conflict of interest. Trustees shall make known at each Board of Trustees meeting any conflict or potential conflict with matters coming before the Board for consideration and then refrain from any undue participation in the said matters. Noted individuals shall complete an ethics session approved by the NC State Ethics Commission within six months of appointment or reappointment to the Board of Trustees and refresher sessions every two years thereafter (NCGS138A-14b; Ethics Education Program).