10.7.1 Inclement Weather Notice

Revised: August 6, 2007; October 30, 2020

Decisions to delay opening or closing of the College for adverse weather and other emergency situations will be made by the College administration. Information will be posted on the DZ𲵱‘s website at www.sandhills.edu as well as disseminated via student email, voice, and text messages. Missed classes and assignments will be made up in accordance with the best judgment of College officials and the guidelines promulgated by the North Carolina Community College System Office:

“Colleges have an obligation to deliver the instructional services for which students pay tuition and fees. Therefore, classes which are missed or not held for any reason including inclement weather should be rescheduled whenever possible in accordance with the college’s adverse weather policy. If it is not possible to reschedule all class hours missed, the instruction may be made up by other alternatives as included in the college’s adverse weather policy, which may include extra assignments, individual conferences, etc. Extra assignments may include additional online assignments.” NCCCS Memorandum of January 25, 2011

Inclement Weather During Final Exams
Inclement weather may cause the College to delay opening during the special last-class session scheduled at the end of the semester to allow for course final examinations. If the College does delay opening, final exam periods will resume following the published schedule. Missed final exams or last-class sessions may be made up using the extra periods scheduled for such purposes or at other times during the final exam period. If entire days are missed due to inclement weather, extra days will be added to the last-class sessions. Edited by Dean of Instruction. Swanson, July 3, 2007; Approved March 14, 2006 Memorandum from Faculty Assembly President

When severe weather forces a departure from regular scheduling, announcements will be posted on the DZ𲵱‘s website at www.sandhills.edu, issued by local television and radio stations, and sent to students via voice and text messages. 

Personnel may also call the College (910) 692-6185 to hear a recorded message indicating whether the College will have a delayed opening or be closed. Unless otherwise indicated, College closing will involve all employees and students. If College offices are to be open and if staff is to report, this information will be included in the weather bulletin. During times when the main campus is open but weather conditions threaten the Hoke Center, the Associate Vice President of the Hoke Center will make the decision whether or not to hold classes.

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