10.1.2 Special Campus Events Security Review and Protocol

Created: October 1, 2023

Since community outreach and cultural enrichment is a vital part of the College mission, an elevated security review is required for some public lectures, concerts, theatrical performances, athletic tournaments, lectures, and symposia that take place on campus.

In advance of said events, the Director of Campus Police works with college personnel and the host organizations to assess and coordinate security needs. This is especially necessary when concerns related to content and format of said events warrant special consideration or concern.

The review is conducted in advance of the event to assess the need and cost for additional security measures to ensure the safety of host organizations—e.g., Judson Theater Co., Bradshaw Performing Arts Center (BPAC), the Ruth Pauley Lecture Series (RPLS), the Holshouser Lecture Series (HLS), and athletic events—as well as the performers, lecturers, participants, and attendees.


For college-contracted and external lessee-organized events at BPAC, the BPAC Executive Director and the Vice President of Institutional Advancement ensure that the contracting parties recognize this element of the standard rental agreement:


If deemed necessary, the Lessee agrees to engage the ǧÃŬAV Director of Campus Police and staff in providing sufficient security personnel (as deemed necessary by the Lessor) or to reimburse the college for employment of sufficient security personnel and/or duly authorized law enforcement officers (as deemed appropriate by college authorities) for maintaining law and order, protecting public and private property, and/or enforcing regulations and laws of the State of North Carolina.  The Lessee will not be allowed to use the college property if the Lessee fails to cooperate with law enforcement.

In addition, the Director of Campus Police, the BPAC Executive Director, and the Vice President of Institutional Advancement review any organization-supplied contract related to security and make recommendations, as deemed appropriate, if such contracts fail to take into account risk associated with the event. In such instances, the College may require a rider to the contract that details College recommendations.


When the Director of Campus Police determines that additional security measures should be taken within or beyond the scope of the contract, he/she will provide an event action plan that details such elements as these:

  • Pre- and post-event security measures
  • Related travel to and from the event
  • Entrance and exit strategies related to threats
  • Green room lockdown
  • Increased security staffing
  • Coordinate with Lessee security personnel

Such event action plans will be reviewed and as needed coordinated with the BPAC Executive Director and the Vice President of Institutional Advancement. The BPAC Executive Director is responsible for ensuring BPAC staff are appraised of such plans and for any events. Event action plans will be documented and saved as a component of the event records maintained by the BPAC Executive Director.    

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