1.9.1 Committee Names and Purpose Statements

Revised: October 1, 2016; October 1, 2017; October 1, 2018; October 1, 2022

Committees play an important role in the operation of the College. The College uses standing committees to ensure shared governance and to ensure faculty and staff participation in shared governance. Each committee is expected to meet at least once per term and to keep minutes of each meeting. Committees are formed and staffed at various levels and may have voluntary membership, or members may be appointed by the President. The following committees are actively involved in furthering the mission of the College: 

Advising Committees 
As part of the College effort to establish and maintain up-to-date educational programs, every Associate in Applied Science program is supported by an advisory committee. Where appropriate, due to similarities in programs, an advisory committee may support more than one program. Other programs at the College are encouraged, but not required, to form advisory committees. 

An advisory committee of interested, competent, and concerned citizens is a most productive and effective method for involving the community and ensuring that an effective relationship exists between student learning in programs and current practices in the workplace. Advisory committees will be formed and managed by program coordinators with department chair approval. Advisory committees will meet at least once a year and follow a clearly defined Purpose Statement. The meeting agenda will be developed by the program coordinators and committee chair and will be provided to each member prior to the meeting. Minutes of all meetings will be kept and a copy sent to the appropriate department chair and the appropriate vice president. Minutes will contain, at a minimum, a summary of program information provided to the advisory committee and recommendations for program improvement provided by the committee. Membership is voluntary and includes practicing professionals and employers of students in occupational/technical programs.  

2030 Committee 
The 2030 Committee is a two-year standing committee tasked with looking forward to the year 2030 and determining ways of cultivating a “One College” culture through a sense of belonging, equity, and inclusiveness.  

Athletic Advisory Committee 
The Athletic Advisory Committee provides input and offers guidance in making major decisions related to the NJCAA athletic programs to the Athletic Director and makes recommendations to the President, who has full authority over athletics at the College. The Committee provides an avenue through which the College can communicate with the perspectives of the Athletics Advisory Council to the community and provide useful information about ǧĹAV athletics. 

Behavior Intervention Team 
The Behavior Intervention Team is designed to assess potential threats and behaviors of concern, inform necessary stakeholders, and provide intervention strategies and action plans to address the threats or behaviors that may jeopardize campus safety. 

Bookstore Advisory Committee 
The Bookstore Advisory Committee addresses campus concerns regarding the functioning of the bookstore, providing input and recommendations to the bookstore manager and to Barnes and Nobles management. The committee will meet twice a semester. 

Business Continuity Committee 
The Business Continuity Committee is tasked with drafting and reviewing the Business Continuity/Crisis Management Plan to ensure the College continues to operate, in part or in whole, should the College experience some event that threatens day-to-day operations. 

Campus Events Committee 
The Campus Events Committee is tasked with planning College events—including Employee Recognition Day, Commencement, and Opening Day—for the entire faculty and staff to attend. 

Campus Planning Committee 
The Campus Planning Committee ensures that the institutional planning process is based on a continuous cycle of assessment, evaluation, and planning. The members help facilitate the planning process by participating in formal campus meetings and serving on planning subcommittees as needed. 

Diversity Committee 
The Diversity Committee is charged with reviewing and recommending current College practices as they relate to building a climate of inclusiveness among any and all cultural and social factions that comprise the student body, the faculty, the staff, and the administration. 

E-Governance Committee 
The E-Governance Committee is tasked with providing cohesive centralized governance for the ongoing development, deployment, delivery, and maintenance of the College’s digital image and to achieve a uniform, consistent look for the official College’s web pages. 

Emergency Preparedness Committee 
The Emergency Preparedness Committee is tasked with implementing procedures to ensure the College can operate, in part or whole, in the event of some type of emergency. 

Enrollment Council Committee 
The Enrollment Council Committee meets annually to create the Enrollment Calendar for the ensuing year and assists in reviewing and establishing enrollment activities that best serve our students. 

Foundation MiniGrants Committee 
The Foundation MiniGrants Committee serves to ensure an equitable selection of faculty and/or staff proposals that enable the College to achieve one or more of the following: enhance an academic program, involve students, and improve learning. Applications for proposals for special project funding are made available by the Foundation for all faculty and staff once a year in the spring semester with funding awarded for the upcoming fiscal year. 

Fringe Benefits Committee 
The Fringe Benefits Committee meets as needed to explore options for employee benefits and to evaluate and recommend benefits to the Chief Operating Officer for approval by the President and the Board of Trustees. 

General Scholarship Committee 
The General Scholarship Committee provides oversight to ensure the Academic Works process is implemented and maintained smoothly and efficiently. It is also responsible for the oversight of the process of awarding institutional funds restricted to financial aid. 

Global/International Committee 
The Global/International Committee is charged with supporting international activities both on and off campus. This committee is provided financial support through the Foundation to promote international awareness, to review requests for funding support for international travel, to enhance faculty knowledge, and to recommend faculty requests for that support. 

Hall of Fame Committee 
The Hall of Fame Committee directs campus-wide efforts to identify past athletes, faculty, staff, and coaches who have shaped Spartan and Flyers athletic success. 

Integration Technology Committee 
The Integration Technology Committee is designed to address the information systems needs of all campuses. The committee provides a forum for the discussion of technology issues and acts as a steering committee for implementation of technology that requires the cooperation of various departments across campus. This committee is also charged with reviewing and approving technology policies. 

Library Committee 
The Library Committee serves as a liaison between the faculty and the library staff. The committee advises the Dean of Learning Resources and library/learning resources staff on matters of general library policy, development of library resources, involvement of the faculty in acquisitions, and methods for integrating the library program with the academic activities throughout the College in both traditional and electronic access. 

Marketing Advisory Committee 
The Marketing Advisory Committee serves to ensure ongoing, high-quality marketing. It is composed of stakeholders from every sector of the College. The group reviews recent marketing efforts, evaluates the effectiveness of projects, brings ideas to the group, brainstorms for new efforts, and offers feedback on efforts and new ideas. 

One-College Advising Committee 
The One-College Advising Committee provides SCC advisors with the resources, training, and tools to ensure all students are offered a holistic advising experience, including establishing a career pathway, course planning, and support resources. 

President’s Council 
The President’s Council meets, in general, once a month, and in addition to other duties related to faculty and staff, the President’s Council reviews current College offerings and activities. The President’s Council will also share in a deep review and revision to the Policies and Procedures Manual in the second year of each four-year College Strategic Plan cycle. Those proposed changes are reviewed and refined and then submitted to the President prior to the October meeting of the Board of Trustees, where any changes to policy are presented for Board approval.  

Safety and Environmental Committee 
The Safety and Environmental Committee actively investigates the current condition of the campus, including its overall safety and its environmental stewardship. In its advisory capacity, the committee promotes practices designed to protect the health and safety of employees, students, and visitors to the campus. Members of the committee also routinely inspect the buildings and grounds and make the necessary recommendations to correct any concerns, problems, or hazards. The committee meets frequently in order to remain abreast of changes in health and environmental concerns and to react as needed. 

Student Grievance Committee 
The Student Grievance Committee hears student grievances resulting from administrative decisions. 

Student Success Learning Institute Committee (SSLI) 
The SSLI Committee examines student success concerns—to include advising, retention, and completion—and spearheads initiatives to address such concerns campus-wide. 

The Center for Teaching and Learning Council 
The Center for Teaching and Learning Council (TLC) is comprised of interested faculty and administrators who make recommendations and suggestions on how to disperse TLC funds and to determine the programs that are offered each year. The council meets on an as-needed basis. Several members of TLC typically participate in the annual Adjunct Faculty Orientation. 

Title IX Committee 
The Title IX Committee addresses prevention, education, and training as well as reviews equity in programs for Title IX issues. 

Faculty Assembly 
The Faculty Assembly is addressed in Policy 1.8 and Procedure 1.8.1.; however, the Assembly includes three subcommittees as described below. The Faculty Assembly is hereby established to promote the general faculty welfare and to participate in institutional governance by providing policy recommendations to the administration of ǧĹAV Community College. The election of the President, Vice President, and Secretary of the Faculty Assembly shall be held in March every two years with the installation of the new president to be at the April meeting following the general election commencing with regular duties on August 1. 

  1. Academic Affairs Committee 
    The Academic Affairs Committee shall have the responsibility for recommending to the Faculty Assembly policies pertinent to the academic life of the College. 
  2. Faculty Development Committee 
    The Faculty Development committee shall be concerned with the continuing professional development of the faculty.
  3. Faculty Affairs Committee The Faculty Affairs Committee shall address faculty issues and other topics of concern to the teaching faculty. 

Staff Council 
Staff Council shall address staff issues and other topics of concern to staff members. The council is addressed in Procedure 1.8.2. 

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