1.4 Institutional Governance and Organizational Structure

Board of Trustee Approval:
October 1, 2012
Governance in its broadest sense refers to institutional decision making. The ǧÃŬAV Community College Board of Trustees is committed to the concept that all constituencies of the college should have a role in this decision-making process. In its more specific sense, governance refers to the responsibility of the Board of Trustees to make and approve policy, and the responsibility of the administration of the college, under the leadership of the President, to administer and implement Board policy. The ǧÃŬAV Community College Board of Trustees is committed to the concept that all constituencies, most notably faculty and staff, of the college should have a role in this decision-making process. The College employs an organizational structure that recognizes the Faculty Assembly and Staff Council which reflects the intent of including all constituencies in this process.