Course Specific Fees for 2024-25

Course Course Title Fee Fee Description
AER-110 Air Navigation $120 Aviation Fee
AER-115 Flight Simulator $800 Simulation Fee
AER-116 Private Pilot Flight Simulato $400 Simulation Fee
ARC-230 Environmental Systems up to $1000 Travel Fee
ART-111 Art Appreciation $53.10 Inclusive Access Fee
ART-122 Three-Dimensional Design $50 Art Supplies Fee
ART-135 Figure Drawing I $50 Fees Figure Drawing
ART-231 Printmaking I $50 Art Supplies Fee
ART-232 Printmaking II $50 Art Supplies Fee
ART-281 Sculpture I $50 Art Supplies Fee
ART-283 Ceramics I $50 Art Supplies Fee
ART-284 Ceramics II $50 Art Supplies Fee
ASL-111 Elementary ASL I $111 Inclusive Access Fee
ASL-112 Elementary ASL II $111 Inclusive Access Fee
ASL-211 Intermediate ASL I $111 Inclusive Access Fee
ASl-212 Intermediate ASL II $111 Inclusive Access Fee
AST-111A Descriptive Astronomy Lab $25 Science Fee
BIO-094 Concepts of Human Biology $35 Science Fee
BIO-110 Principles of Biology $35 Science Fee
BIO-111 General Biology I $35 Science Fee
BIO-111 (online) General Biology I $45 Science Fee
BIO-112 General Biology II $35 Science Fee
BIO-120 Introductory Botany $35 Science Fee
BIO-130 Introductory Zoology $35 Science Fee
BIO-140A Environmental Biology Lab $35 Science Fee
BIO-163 Basic Anat & Physiology $35 Science Fee
BIO-168 Anatomy and Physiology I $35 Science Fee
BIO-168 (online) Anatomy and Physiology I $125 Science Fee
BIO-169 Anatomy and Physiology II $35 Science Fee
BIO-169 (online) Anatomy and Physiology II $125 Science Fee
BIO-175 General Microbiology $35 Science Fee
BIO-275 Microbiology $35 Science Fee
BIO-275 (online) Microbiology $75 Science Fee
BPA-210 Cake Design & Decorating $125 Bpa 210 Fee
BUS-148 Survey of Real Estate $130.82 Inclusive Access Fee
CAT-210 CT Physics & Equipment $186.33 Inclusive Access Fee
CAT-225 CT Clinical Practicum $100 CTI Fee
CAT-225 CT Clinical Practicum $25 DOSI Fee
CAT-225 CT Clinical Practicum up to $32 Medical Record Tracking
CAT-225 CT Clinical Practicum $18 Malpractice Insurance
CAT-226 CT Clinical Practicum $25 DOSI Fee
CEG-212 Intro to Environmental Tech up to $1,000 Travel Fee
CHM-130A Gen, Org, & Biochem Lab $35 Science Fee
CHM-151 General Chemistry I $35 Science Fee
CHM-152 General Chemistry II $35 Science Fee
CHM-251 Organic Chemistry I $35 Science Fee
CHM-251 Organic Chemistry I $78.04 Inclusive Access Fee
CHM-252 Organic Chemistry II $35 Science Fee
CHM-252 Organic Chemistry II $78.04 Inclusive Access Fee
CJC-111 Intro to Criminal Justice $44.78 Inclusive Access Fee
CJC-112 Criminology $44.78 Inclusive Access Fee
CJC-113 Juvenile Justice $44.78 Inclusive Access Fee
CJC-144 Crime Scene Processing $5 Supply Fee
CJC-225 Crisis Intervention $44.78 Inclusive Access Fee
COS-112 Salon I up to $550 Salon I Kit #1
COS-112 Salon I $18 Malpractice Insurance
COS-112 Salon I $150 Course Resource Fee
COS-114 Salon II up to $275 Salon II Kit #2
COS-114 Salon II $18 Malpractice Insurance
COS-114 Salon II $150 Course Resource Fee
COS-116 Salon III $50 Course Resource Fee
COS-118 Salon IV $18 Malpractice Insurance
COS-118 Salon IV $150 Course Resource Fee
CUL-140 Culinary Skills I $100 Culinary Specific Fees
CUL-160 Baking I $100 Culinary Specific Fees
CUL-170 Garde Manger I $100 Culinary Specific Fees
CUL-214 Wine Appreciation $100 Culinary Specific Fees
DRA-145 Stage Make-up $100 Drama Fee
EGR-110 Eng and Design Graphics up to $300 Travel Fee
ELN-232 Intro to Microprocessors $120 Equipment Fee
EMS-110 EMT $31.50 EMS Fee
EMS-110 EMT $50 EMS Services Fee
EMS-121 AEMT Clinical Practicum up to $32 Medical Record Tracking
EMS-121 AEMT Clinical Practicum $18 Malpractice Insurance
EMS-122 EMS Clinical Practicum I up to $32 Medical Record Tracking
EMS-122 EMS Clinical Practicum I $120.75 Curriculum Fisdap Paramedic
EMS-122 EMS Clinical Practicum I $18 Malpractice Insurance
EMS-122 EMS Clinical Practicum I $70 Uniform Fee
EMS-130 Pharmacology $100 EMS Equipment Fee
EMS-241 EMS Clinical Practicum IV $18 Malpractice Insurance
EMS-260 Trauma Emergencies $27 Int'l Trauma Life Support Fee
EMS-270 Life Span Emergencies $100 EMS Fee
EMS-285 EMS Capstone $18 EMS 285 Fee Aha
ENG-111 Writing and Inquiry $33.65 Inclusive Access Fee
ENG-112 Writing/Research in the Disc $31.66 Inclusive Access Fee
ENG-241 British Literature I $40.82 Inclusive Access Fee
FRE-111 Elementary French I $85.68 Inclusive Access Fee
FRE-112 Elementary French II $85.68 Inclusive Access Fee
GEL-111 Geology $25 Science Fee
HEA-112 First Aid & CPR $38 Red Cross CPR Card
HIS-111 World Civilizations I $40.88 Inclusive Access Fee
HIS-112 World Civilizations II $40.88 Inclusive Access Fee
HIS-121 Western Civilization I $44.91 Inclusive Access Fee
HIS-122 Western Civilization II $44.91 Inclusive Access Fee
HFS-212 Exercise Programming $18 Malpractice Insurance
HFS-218 Lifestyle Chng & Wellness $25 Lifestyle Changes Fee
HOR-164 Hort Pest Management $60 Supplies Fee
HUM-120 Cultural Studies up to $1,000 Travel Fee
HUM-180 Internat Cultural Explor up to $1,000 Travel Fee
HUM-220 Human Values and Meaning up to $1,000 Travel Fee
LSG-244 Advanced Issues/LSG up to $1,000 Travel Fee
MKT-223 Customer Service $125.73 Inclusive Access Fee
MLT-110 Intro to MLT up to $32 Medical Record Tracking
MLT-110 Intro to MLT $200 MLT Lab Fee
MLT-215 Professional Issues $70 MLT Fee
MLT-215 Professional Issues $225 MLT Fee
MLT-252 MLT Practicum I $18 Malpractice Insurance
MLT-262 MLT Practicum II $95 MLT Fee
MTH-110 Fundamentals of Massage $18 Malpractice Insurance
MTH-210 Adv Skills of Massage $18 Malpractice Insurance
MUS-110 Music Appreciation $67.42 Inclusive Access Fee
MUS-112 Introduction to Jazz $46.96 Inclusive Access Fee
NAS-101 Nurse Aide I $18 Malpractice Insurance
NAS-102 Nurse Aide II $18 Malpractice Insurance
NUR-111 Intro to Health Concepts up to $32 Medical Record Tracking
NUR-111 Intro to Health Concepts $18 Malpractice Insurance
NUR-111 Intro to Health Concepts $300 Nursing Kit Specific Fee
NUR-111 Intro to Health Concepts $760.32 Inclusive Access Fee
NUR-112 Health-Illness Concepts $691.20 Inclusive Access Fee
NUR-113 Family Health Concepts $18 Malpractice Insurance
NUR-113 Family Health Concepts $691.20 Inclusive Access Fee
NUR-114 Holistic Health Concepts $691.20 Inclusive Access Fee
NUR-213 Complex Health Concepts $691.20 Inclusive Access Fee
NUR-214 Nsg Transition Concepts up to $32 Medical Record Tracking
NUR-214 Nsg Transition Concepts $300 Nursing Kit Specific Fee
NUR-214 Nsg Transition Concepts $760.32 Inclusive Access Fee
NUR-214 Nsg Transition Concepts $18 Malpractice Insurance
OST-148 Med Ins & Billing $90.54 Inclusive Access Fee
OST-149 Medical Legal Issues $86.18 Inclusive Access Fee
OST-243 Med Office Simulation $47.90 Inclusive Access Fee
OST-243 Med Office Simulation $90.54 Inclusive Access Fee
PED-125 Self-Defense - Beginning $20 Self-Defense Specific Fee
PED-163 Kayaking-Basic $115 Kayaking Specific Fee
PED-170 Backpacking $20 Backpacking Specific Fee
PED-173 Rock Climbing $65 Rock Climbing Specific Fee
PED-181 Snow Skiing - Beginning $140 Snow Skiing Specific Fee
PED-212 Snowboarding - Beginning $215 Snow Boarding Specific Fee
PHY-110A Conceptual Physics Lab $25 Science Fee
PHY-131 Physics-Mechanics $25 Science Fee
PHY-151 College Physics I $25 Science Fee
PHY-152 College Physics II $25 Science Fee
PHY-251 General Physics I $25 Science Fee
PHY-252 General Physics II $25 Science Fee
POL-120 American Governement $44.91 Inclusive Access Fee
POL-210 Comparative Government $44.97 Inclusive Access Fee
PSY-150 General Psychology $5 Hill-Resource
RAD-110 Rad Intro & Patient Care up to $32 Medical Record Tracking
RAD-110 Rad Intro & Patient Care $273.28 Inclusive Access Fee
RAD-151 RAD Clinical Ed I $25 Radiography Dosimeters
RAD-151 RAD Clinical Ed I $18 Malpractice Insurance
RAD-151 RAD Clinical Ed I $173 Rad 151 Fee
RAD-161 RAD Clinical Ed II $25 Radiography Dosimeters
RAD-171 RAD Clinical Ed III $25 Radiography Dosimeters
RAD-251 RAD Clinical Ed IV $25 Radiography Dosimeters
RAD-251 RAD Clinical Ed IV $18 Malpractice Insurance
RAD-261 RAD Clinical Ed V $25 Radiography Dosimeters
RCP-110 Intro to Respiratory Care up to $32 Medical Record Tracking
RCP-110 Intro to Respiratory Care $130 FISDAP Fee
RCP-139 RCP Clinical Practice I $50 Respiratory Therapy Exam
RCP-139 RCP Clinical Practice I $18 Malpractice Insurance
RCP-215 Career Preparation $70 Respiratory 215 Test Fee
SCI-110 Principles of Science $35 Science Fee
SOC-213 Sociology of the Family $51.05 Inclusive Access Fee
SRV-240 Topo/Site Surveying up to $1,000 Travel Fee
SUR-110 Intro to Surg Tech up to $32 Medical Record Tracking
SUR-111 Periop Patient Care $18 Malpractice Insurance
SUR-111 Periop Patient Care $75 Supplies Fee
SUR-122 Surgical Procedures I $35 Sur 122 Fee
SUR-123 SUR Clinical Practice I $25 X-Ray Dosimeters
SUR-135 SUR Clinical Practice II $25 X-Ray Dosimeters
SUR-137 Professional Success Prep $90 Supplies Fee
SUR-210 Adv SUR Clinical Practice $25 X-Ray Dosimeters
SUR-210 Adv SUR Clinical Practice $18 Malpractice Insurance
TRN-180 Basic Welding for Transp $50 Automotive Specific Fee